I am making a Discord bot in Node.js where I make an API Call to fetch a person's ranks in a game, to then apply a rank role to that person in the server.
Before applying that role, I have to first remove all the current roles from that person, to then apply the new rank role.
Problem is that this is asynchronous, so I start removing all the roles and when I add the new role, it is still removing roles, causing the new role to get removed instantly.
I can't wrap my head around callbacks and promises, so I don't know how to proceed. Following is my code:
for(var i = 0; i < allranks.length; i++){
var role = message.member.guild.roles.find('name', allranks[i]);
message.member.removeRole(role).catch(err => console.log(err));
var role = message.member.guild.roles.find('name', ranks[highestRank]);
message.member.addRole(role).catch(err => console.log(err));
message.reply("Rank updated to " + highestRank);
}, 2000)
As you can see, i'm setting a Timeout to wait for the rank removal to finish, before applying the new role. I know this is very bad and inefficient, so can someone help me out with either a callback or a promise?