When using "npm install" the modules are loaded and available throughout your application regardless of if they are "devDependencies" or "dependencies". Sum of this idea: everything which your package.json defines as a dependency (any type) gets installed to node_modules.
The purpose for the difference between dependencies/devDependencies/optionalDependencies is what consumers of your code can do w/ npm to install these resources.
Per the documentation: https://npmjs.org/doc/json.html...
If someone is planning on downloading and using your module in their
program, then they probably don't want or need to download and build
the external test or documentation framework that you use.
In this case, it's best to list these additional items in a
devDependencies hash.
These things will be installed whenever the --dev configuration flag
is set. This flag is set automatically when doing npm link or when
doing npm install from the root of a package, and can be managed like
any other npm configuration param. See config(1) for more on the
However, to resolve this question, if you want to ONLY install the "dependencies" using npm, the following command is:
npm install --production
This can be confirmed by looking at the Git commit which added this filter (along with some other filters [listed below] to provide this functionality).
Alternative filters which can be used by npm:
--save => updates dependencies entries in the {{{json}}} file
--force => force fetching remote entries if they exist on disk
--force-latest => force latest version on conflict
--production => do NOT install project devDependencies
--no-color => do not print colors
@dmarr try using npm install --production
and when each of them is used. – quasoft