I created a fieldset that is part of the form and have just display porpuse:
H_Info = Ext.extend ( Ext.form.FieldSet, { title: 'Origination Info', labelWidth: 1, initComponent : function ( ) { this.items = [ { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'Name' }, { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'Address' }, { xtype: 'compositefield', items: [ { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'OrgDate', width: 100 }, { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'OrgValue', width: 120, flex: 1 } ] }, { xtype: 'displayfield', name: 'CurrentValue' } ]; H_Info.superclass.initComponent.call ( this ); } // initComponent } );
It works as predicted in IE 6.0 fields are displayed in expected places, however when I try it in FF 2 fields (OrgDate, and OrgValue) grouped in compositefield are not displayed.
Any idea what I am missing ?