
Whenever I try to exceute the query https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/joinedTeams I get the following error in the Graph Explorer:

Failed to parse MS Graph backend response for request GetUserGroupsRequest. 
 Request Url: https://graph.microsoft.com/edu/me/memberOf/$/microsoft.graph.group?$filter=groupTypes/any(c:c+eq+'Unified')&$top=999, 
 Request Method: GET. 

The response is invalid, cannot convert to type IList`1Error converting value {null} to type 'System.DateTime'. 
Path 'value[0].renewedDateTime', line 1, position 2039.

A screenshot of from the Graph Explorer: Graph explorer

Hi Stephan, Can you please include the request id and the timestamp?Yina - MSFT
Hi, of course: "request-id": "e27e646f-7579-4160-b683-f7a406558524", "date": "2017-11-07T08:39:11"Stephan Bisser
Any news on this one?Stephan Bisser
This should be working fine now.Ravi Gupta

1 Answers


Same here. Seems that new Teams Powershell is working fine when running Get-Team command (which is calling same /beta/me/joinedTeams API)