I want to use Teams graph api to retrieve all channels of a team (group).
I use a 'Get' request on 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/{GroupId}/channels'
The response is 'Access Denied', 'User login. Teams is disabled for your tenant.'
Other informations:
I don't have any issue when I use Teams app (web or desktop), the user is the owner of the team (group).
The user is under Office 365 F1 license with teams activated.
He possess the 'security administrator' role.
I retrieve the teams by the get request : 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/memberOf', that work fine.
I got the same error with : 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/joinedTeams'
I use an application with "group.ReadWrite.all" and "user.Read.all" rights and the connexion uses a bearer token.
It's not my environment so I can't give the permissions for graph Api Explorer, I m not admin. So with the graph Api Explorer i get a 403, forbidden request.
If anyone can help. Thanks
ANSWER : The problem is the F1 license that work with Graph API but with some restrictions. You should use E3 to E5 license, there give full right on Graph API.