
I want to render a text overlay on the camera that moves with the camera in my aframe scene.

My camera entity looks like this:

<a-entity position="33 0 -33" rotation="0 180 0" 
  look-controls id="camera" camera="userHeight: 1.6" listener>

and my text entity looks like this:

<a-entity text="value: HELLO; color: red; width: 2;" position="0 0 0">

But when I put the text entity inside the camera entity, the text is not visible:

<a-entity position="33 0 -33" rotation="0 180 0" look-controls 
  id="camera" camera="userHeight: 1.6" listener>
  <a-entity text="value: HELLO; color: red; width: 2;" position="0 0 0" >

How do I have to place the text element to make it a visible overlay to the camera view?


1 Answers


Position it away from the camera a bit.

position="0 0 -1"