I cannot fill the cell's background color in SSRS when there is no data in that cell.
(Please, see the link to the screenshot below).
My stored procedure returns three columns: "Month Year"; "Contact Type"; "Contact count".
I use column groups to show "Month Year" as a column. And row groups to show "Contact Type" as a row.
I want to fill back color of the row to Grey when "Contact Type" = "Total number of contacts".
I use expression:
=IIf(InStr(Fields!ContactType.Value,"Total") > 0, "LightGrey", "Transparent")
But the problem is that when there was no activity in this month, the cell gets no value (=IsNothing). In this case I replaced it with zero.
But the cell with zero stays "Transparent".
I understand that this is because there is no value for ContactType field as well.
But is there any tricky workaround?
This is the screenshot how my report looks like
Please help me to color cells with no data!