
When I am exporting data from one environment and importing it to another, I am seeing an ambiguous unique keys error. I did check the ambiguity but did not find anything would cause this violation.

I get the following error (there are several identical errors but only posting 1):

Error Begin

**insert_update ABClCMSParagraphComponent;&Item;catalogVersion(catalog(id),version)[unique=true,allownull=true];content[lang=en];creationtime[forceWrite=true,dateformat=dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss];modifiedtime[dateformat=dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss];name;owner(&Item)[allownull=true,forceWrite=true];uid[unique=true,allownull=true] ABClCMSParagraphComponent,8796158592060,,,Error saving batch in bulk mode [reason:

unique keys {catalogVersion=CatalogVersionModel (8796093186649@41), uid=DMparaleftdescrip} for model ABClCMSParagraphComponentModel (8796158657596@1) - found 2 item(s) using the same keys]. Will try line-by-line mode.,

unique keys {catalogVersion=CatalogVersionModel (8796093186649@41), uid=comp_000003UX} for model ABClCMSParagraphComponentModel (8796158592060@1) - found 2 item(s) using the same keys
;Item111;abcContentCatalog:Staged;"< p >Hello < a href="">world< /a>< /p>";12.09.2017 07:04:12;18.09.2017 09:38:39;Feed Article - Makeup;;comp_000003UX

Error End

What would be the reason why it's showing the ambiguous error?

Could you share the impex here?Vikrant
Here's the row I am trying to import: This is the generated impex from the export: Header -> # &Item;catalogVersion;content_en;creationtime;modifiedtime;na‌​me;onlyOneRestrictio‌​nMustApply;owner;uid‌​;visible Row -> Item111;abcContentCatalog:Staged;"<p>Hello <a href=""exampleabc.com"">world</a></… 07:04:12;18.09.2017 09:38:39;Feed Article;true;;comp_000003UX;true3a6f
In addition, both check boxes are selected when importing: 1- Enable code execution, 2-Distributed mode3a6f

2 Answers


The logs didn't show the error clearly with the 2 check boxes that were selected. When I deleted these 2 columns, owner(&Item) & creationtime, the script imported successfully.


Often, when no specific errors are shown, there was a error saving the item. In your case it might be the initial attributes "owner" and "creationdate". If the item is present, initial attributes cannot be changed.