
In my system I have enabled the Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) and installed Ubuntu on Windows 10.


On top of the WSL, I was trying to install the fabric8 from the scratch with the Minishift using instructions for Ubuntu in the above link and while running the below command, getting error stating that "No User home environment variable found for os windows"

gofabric8 start --minishift --package=system --namespace fabric8

Note: Before running the above commands, I have setup libvirt and qemu-kvm in my WSL

You're installing fabric8 inside Bash on Ubuntu on Windows and it complains about not knowing the Windows home folder? That is weird...m93a

1 Answers


I had the same problem installing fabric8 on Windows. A look into the sourcecode reveals, you need to define a HOME environment variable. In windows CMD try

set HOME=C:\Users\yourHome

That worked for me