I'm currently reading a text book on xv6, and understand this so far ...
Virtual Address: First 20 bits to index into a PTE. The PTE takes these 20 bits and turns them into a Physical Page Number: PPN. The remaining 12 bits are used for offset, which will be the same in both virtual and physical addresses.
Paging: Paging hardware uses first 10 bits of 20 bits in the virtual address to select a page directory entry (PDE). If a PDE is present, uses next 10 bits of virtual address to select a page table entry (PTE). Something like this ...
00 0000 0011 | 00 0000 0010 | 0000 0000 0101
Page Dir. (3) | Page Table E. (2) | Offset (5)
Question: Is the PPN showed in the diagrams the same all across? I also know the difference between a page directory and page table entry is only by 1 bit, which is set to 0 or 1 depending if you are at page directory or table. Is the PPN common between all 3 then? (Physical Address, Page Table, Page Directory).