I am developing an application in Qt that uses the QScript module. The class I am working on is derived from QObject so that it will be "scriptable". One of the methods should return a list of double values (QList). When I create a global script object with one instance of the class, using engine.newQObject(class_instance)), I can access a number of methods of the script object perfectly fine, showing that the process is working. I can call from the script a method that returns a double, but the function that should return the QList remains silent.
Any idea how I could implement the C++ class' method such that it would faithfully return that list of double values ?
Class code (QCustomPlot is derived from QWidget)
class AbstractPlotWidget : public QCustomPlot
Function meant to return a list of double values:
(declared as Q_INVOKABLE)
QList<double> keyList;
QCPDataMap *data = graph()->data();
return data->keys();
When I run that function, all I get in the script console is: QVariant(QList)
I crafted the following test function that returns a QStringList representing the double value list:
(declared as Q_INVOKABLE)
QStringList keyStringList;
QCPDataMap *data = graph()->data();
QList<double> keyList = data->keys();
for(int iter = 0; iter < keyList.size(); ++iter)
double keyValue = keyList.at(iter);
return keyStringList;
And when I run that function, the script console effectively shows the text with the comma-separated double values.
I also wrote a simple function returning a single double value and that works also. Another test function return a QList<int>
So I guess, there is no autoconversion between QList<double>
and a corresponding script value. It looks like I need a way to have the QScriptEngine instance know how to convert QList<double>
to a Qt Script variable.