I'm possibly writing it wrong but here's the code that i'm trying to execute and it fails to do what's expected:
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QVariant>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
QByteArray data;
QDataStream ds(&data,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QVariant v(123);
ds << v;
std::cout <<"test: " << data.data() << std::endl; // "test: 123"
return 0;
Given the example in the documentation of the QVariant class :
It should serialize the value 123 correctly to the QByteArray but doesn't do so,instead it just writes out:
Anybody has an idea how to fix this ?
Well, maybe it was not clear but here is the original problem:
I have possibly any QVariant built-in type stored in the QVariant such as QStringList, QString , double, int , etc....
What I want is a way to serialize the QVariant to a string and restoring it without having to do it myself for each type. As far as I know the QVariant::toString() method does not work with all types that are accepted through QVariant, and I was thinking that passing by a QDataStream could pass me a serialized version of the QVariant.
Thanks to the answer of piotruś I was able to answer my problem. Here's the program:
int main(){
QString str;
QByteArray data;
QDataStream ds(&data,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QVariant v(123);
ds << v;
data = data.toBase64();
str = QString(data);
cout << str.toStdString() << endl;
QByteArray data = str.toLatin1();
data = QByteArray::fromBase64(data);
QDataStream ds(&data,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QVariant v;
ds >> v;
cout << v.toInt() << endl;
return 0;