I tested the following code (on a 300K row DF) to determine which is the fastest way (for loop vs lapply) for parallelization in R.
Q1. Is this always true that (based on elapsed time comparisons) Parallel lapply is faster than parallel for loop? Depending on different posts online I see that people either say "Duh! Lapply is always faster" or "Depending on your implementation for loop can be faster".
Q2. what is more surprising is running similar code by calling a function (to make the code look cleaner) is way slower. Have I benchmarked them correctly?
I see similar trends for 30K rows. Depending on the answers I will see if the parallelization scales up well with increasing cores.
[1] 300000 3
[1] "For loop all conditions"
user system elapsed
1040.232 8.767 1048.897
[1] "Parallel For loop all conditions"
user system elapsed
266.861 8.462 276.064
[1] "Lapply all conditions"
user system elapsed
66.364 0.014 66.369
[1] "ParLapply all conditions"
user system elapsed
0.413 0.113 25.890
[1] "Lapply all conditions call function"
user system elapsed
5293.981 223.524 5517.128
[1] "ParLapply all conditions call function"
user system elapsed
0.492 0.082 1949.433
[1] "For loop all conditions call function"
user system elapsed
10506.028 82.372 10587.585
[1] "Parallel For loop all conditions call function"
user system elapsed
585.387 29.322 2246.441
d1 = c(1,2,-3)
d2 = c(1,-2,-2)
d3 = c(1,-2,-4)
d = data.frame(d1,d2,d3)
# making a big data frame for testing
s_df = d[rep(seq_len(nrow(d)), each=100000),]
correlThreshold = 0
total_numb_input_files = 3
rows_passing_consistency = c()
print("For loop all conditions")
for(idx in 1:nrow(s_df)){
dfx = as.vector(unlist(s_df[idx, ,drop=T]))
rname = rownames(s_df)[idx]
res = NULL
pos = sum(dfx > correlThreshold)
neg = sum(dfx < correlThreshold)
if((!is.na(pos)) && pos == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
if((!is.na(neg)) && neg == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
rows_passing_consistency = append(rows_passing_consistency, res)
print("Parallel For loop all conditions")
cl<-makeCluster(4, type="FORK")
foreach(idx = 1:nrow(s_df), .combine = c) %dopar% {
dfx = as.vector(unlist(s_df[idx, ,drop=T]))
rname = rownames(s_df)[idx]
res = NULL
pos = sum(dfx > correlThreshold)
neg = sum(dfx < correlThreshold)
if((!is.na(pos)) && pos == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
if((!is.na(neg)) && neg == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
print("Lapply all conditions")
lapply(1:nrow(s_df) ,
function(idx, s_df){
dfx = as.vector(unlist(s_df[idx, ,drop=T]))
rname = rownames(s_df)[idx]
res = NULL
pos = sum(dfx > correlThreshold)
neg = sum(dfx < correlThreshold)
if((!is.na(pos)) && pos == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
if((!is.na(neg)) && neg == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
, s_df
print("ParLapply all conditions")
cl<-makeCluster(4, type="FORK")
parLapply(cl, 1:nrow(s_df) ,
function(idx, s_df){
dfx = as.vector(unlist(s_df[idx, ,drop=T]))
rname = rownames(s_df)[idx]
res = NULL
pos = sum(dfx > correlThreshold)
neg = sum(dfx < correlThreshold)
if((!is.na(pos)) && pos == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
if((!is.na(neg)) && neg == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
, s_df
calc_consistency = function(rname, s_df){
dfx = as.vector(unlist(s_df[rname, ,drop=T]))
res = NULL
pos = sum(dfx > correlThreshold)
neg = sum(dfx < correlThreshold)
if((!is.na(pos)) && pos == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
if((!is.na(neg)) && neg == (total_numb_input_files)){
res = rname
print("Lapply all conditions call function")
system.time(lapply(rownames(s_df), calc_consistency, s_df))
print("ParLapply all conditions call function")
cl<-makeCluster(4, type="FORK")
system.time(parLapply(cl, rownames(s_df), calc_consistency, s_df))
print("For loop all conditions call function")
for(rname in rownames(s_df)){
rows_passing_consistency = append(rows_passing_consistency, calc_consistency(rname, s_df))
print("Parallel For loop all conditions call function")
cl<-makeCluster(4, type="FORK")
foreach(rname=rownames(s_df), .combine = c) %dopar% {
calc_consistency(rname, s_df)
vec <- append(vec,stuff)
is one of the slowest things you could possibly do in R. – joran