I am a dotnet developer want to enter into this ethereum blockchain world and also install solidity to create smart contracts and however i am expensing the following issue Deployment to http://localhost:8001/ started! User used for deployment: testuser User found: 0d97173dc52b4d8b2c1034228b129c6d763160eb Contract Payout created successfully at address error uploading contract Contract can be accessed here: http://localhost:8001/contracts/Payout/error uploading contract.html (default password: testing) Anyone please help me to resolve this , Thanks in advance
2 Answers
I am facing the same issue which could be because the used Visual Studio extension is depending on this NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/blockapps-bloc that seems to be outdated. Because, it is referencing the a GitHub source that is removed or renamed: http://github.com/blockapps/bloc
Original Steps that I follow when I faced the error is from: medium.com/@ConsenSys/solidity-integration-with-visual-studio-8bdab2ff8a74 (written on Apr 1, 2016) And they are the same also from Microsoft site: visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/96221853-33c4-4531-bdd5-d2ea5acc4799 Where the error happen when right-click on any contract and chose to deploy. By the way, it compiles successfully!
Visual Studio extension is only for 2015 (you have to install Visual Studio 2015 and it will not work with 2017). The extension could be fond at: marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ConsenSys.Solidity