
I've just started picking up R a few weeks ago. I'm having some problems trying to transmute (if this is the right R term?) the gender row to column.

    > brfss %>%
    +     filter(hours1 >=1,hours1 <=24) %>%
    +     group_by(hours1, gender) %>%
    +     summarise(count = n())
    # A tibble: 48 x 3
    # Groups:   hours1 [?]
       hours1   gender count
          <int> <fctr> <int>
     1        1   Male    96
     2        1 Female   132
     3        2   Male   464
     4        2 Female   612
     5        3   Male  1433
     6        3 Female  2063
     7        4   Male  5749
     8        4 Female  8512
     9        5   Male 13231
    10        5 Female 20205

    # ... with 38 more rows

I want to display the column as:

    hours1   Male  Female count

basically transmuting the whole Male/Female to column instead of rows. Can someone give me some pointers? thanks.

Does ^^ answer your q @junha082?hrbrmstr
Thanks for the reply, I've already checked that post, its not really to do with obtaining a mean of a value (I would probably use transmute/summarise for those), rather transmuting the whole gender from row to column. But let me google on Dcast from reshape2junhao82

2 Answers


You can try something like this:


brfss2013 %>% 
  select(hours1 = sleptim1, gender = sex) %>% 
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(hours1, gender) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>%
  spread(key = gender, value = count)

try this.. brfss %>% spread(key = gender, value = gender) %>% select(hours1, Male, Female, count)