
Is it possible with ARKit/SceneKit to texture a DAE/SCN model programatically, on-the-fly?

Use case is: I will have 1 model that I would like to "skin" with potentially thousands of similar-yet-different textures. And I can either:

  • Texture the models ahead of time and force either my app or my backend to host thousands of bulky textured model files (the all use the same heavier 3D model/mesh file and each combine it with a different lighter 2D texture file); or
  • Allow my app/backend to ship with 1 heavy/bulky 3D mesh/model file, and thousands of lighter 2D texture files, and then use some SceneKit/ARKit API to apply the correct texture to the model in-memory, on-the-fly

Is this dynamic texturing capablity possible? If so, how? If not, then why (curious!)?


2 Answers


Yes, changing the texture image(s) for a 3D object at runtime is a basic capability of nearly all high-level 3D engines, including SceneKit.

In short, find the material you want to change, and set its diffuse.contents to the texture image you want to use.

For a more thorough understanding, read up on materials in the SceneKit documentation, or go back to the WWDC videos from 2013 and 2014 that introduce the basics of SceneKit.


Yes, of course you can change the texture of a model programmatically. Simply assign the texture image to the .diffuse.contents property of the SCNMaterial that is assigned to the geometry. I.e. yourModel.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = someImage

Additionally, “similar-yet-different” textures sounds like a job for shaders. Using scenekit shaderModifiers you can modify a texture image on~the-fly by using the processing power of the GPU, with endless possibilities.