When I load the .scn file downloading for my server and store locally in the user domain directory and when I use those file in Scene Kit, I am getting this error where I was not able to apply animation dynamically. Since the bone and skinner is not joint. SCN File contains the skin geometry mesh nodes and bone nodes(rig).
do {
let options = [ SCNSceneSource.LoadingOption.convertToYUp : true ]
let scene = try SCNScene(url: fileURL , options: options)
for childNode in scene.rootNode.childNodes {
}catch let error as NSError {
NSLog("Unable to load file \(error.debugDescription)")
code loads and I was able to see the model but it does load skinner. and getting the error as "[SceneKit] Error: C3DSkinnerUpdateJointsAndBoundingBox skinner has no mesh".
Note: If I use the all character and animations dae file in the assets folder and use it in the code it works great.(I converted the dae to scn file using xcode)