I'm having issues getting my stock quote to work since Google did some changes at their end. I have read the information on this link google finance json stock quote stopped working but it didn't help.
The earlier URL to fetch information was this https://finance.google.com/finance/info?client=ig&q= and as we know it no longer works.
Below is my code. Can someone kindly help please!
var gstock = ["BOM:500209", "PPY:000001"];
for (var i = 0; i < gstock.length; i++) {
$.getJSON("https://finance.google.com/finance?client=ig&q=" + gstock[i] + "&callback=?", function (response) {
var stockInfo = response[0];
var stockString = '<div class="stockWrapper"> ';
stockString += '<span class="stockDirectionValue' + getGlyph(stockInfo.cp) + '"> ' + '</span>';
stockString += '<span class="stockText">BSE:</span>';
stockString += '<span class="stockPrice">' + stockInfo.l + '</span>';
stockString += '<span class="stockChange">' + stockInfo.c + '</span>';
stockString += '</div>';