
I'm trying to get a console log when the price of the current page's stock changes.

page: https://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ%3AGOOG&ei=yvbRVbHSCcKgmAGyu7CoDA

Element ID: #price-panel > div > span > span

Attempt 1: fail

$("#price-panel div span span").onchange = function() { console.log('change')}

Attempt 2: fail

document.getElementById('price-panel').children[0].children[0].onchange = function() { console.log('change')}

builtwith.com says the javascript is the "google api" which is ambiguous to google searches so that didn't help much.

What event can I watch to find out when this element is change?

span elements don't have an onchange event... You could use an interval and compare every minute.tymeJV
Not sure if you're looking for something like Detect changes in the DOM.fuyushimoya

2 Answers


From Dom Events as your try to listen to text changes in <span> you may be able to use DOMCharacterDataModified.

Or you can use MutationObserver to capture the changes.

var span = document.querySelector('#test');
var text = document.createTextNode('tttt');

// This may be deprecated.
span.addEventListener('DOMCharacterDataModified', function() {
    alert('span text changed to: ' + this.innerHTML);

// You may use MutationObserver instead.
var mutateObserver = new MutationObserver(function(records) {
mutateObserver.observe(span, {
  childList: true,                                 // capture child add/remove on target element.
  characterData: true,                     // capture text changes on target element
  subtree: true,                                   // capture childs changes too
  characterDataOldValue: true  // keep of prev value

setTimeout(function() {
  span.innerHTML ='SSSS';
}, 2000);

setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);

setTimeout(function() {
  text.data = '3123';
}, 4000);
<span id="test">This is a span</span>

span elements do not have an onchange event. One thing you can do is introduce a loop to periodically check the current content with previously held content and do something if the two are different:

var content = null,
    $element = $("#price-panel div span span");

setInterval(function() {
    var currentText = $element.text();

    if (currentText != content) {
        // A change has happened
        content = currentText;
}, 30000 /* check every 30 seconds */);