I'm trying to get a console log when the price of the current page's stock changes.
page: https://www.google.com/finance?q=NASDAQ%3AGOOG&ei=yvbRVbHSCcKgmAGyu7CoDA
Element ID: #price-panel > div > span > span
Attempt 1: fail
$("#price-panel div span span").onchange = function() { console.log('change')}
Attempt 2: fail
document.getElementById('price-panel').children[0].children[0].onchange = function() { console.log('change')}
builtwith.com says the javascript is the "google api" which is ambiguous to google searches so that didn't help much.
What event can I watch to find out when this element is change?
elements don't have anonchange
event... You could use an interval and compare every minute. – tymeJV