I have data with sales, details including gender, location, date, etc. There's one row for each sale, so the total number of sales is a count of the rows.
customerid sale_date regionid studentid sex
18761372 01/09/2016 AFB07458 C2F815C6 1
18761372 01/09/2016 AFB07459 206AA234 0
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07460 F218C8F1 1
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07461 F021CD27 0
07189635 01/09/2016 AFB07462 E6145555 1
I'm trying to produce a line graph that shows number of sales by month, split by male and female. However male sales are ~5million for the year, and female are ~13 million. So it's hard to compare whether there's any difference in how the sales vary by month (i.e. whether males are proportionately more likely to buy in september).
I manage to get this to work by creating the following calculated field:
If [sex] = 0
THEN 1/5000000
ELSE 1/13000000
This does what I need, but it's not a great solution as it involves me manually checking what each total is and writing it down (admittedly not much of an issue with sex, but if I'm doing it on something with multiple fields then it would become very time consuming.
Is there a way of doing this more elegantly? I tried to use sums and case statements in there but I got "cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments".