
This is a snapshot of the data pulled into Tableau: enter image description here

Success Count is defined as if [Task Status Cal]="Success" then [Wo_ID]

The formula for [Success Count] was:

IF [Task Status Cal] = "Success" then STR([Wo Id])

Tableau considered this formula to be valid.

I am not sure why the result was null in cases where the above condition was true.

Thank you!

Also, is there an easier way to do this: I want to get count distinct WO_ID where task status calc was "Success".Anna Huang
You have multiple data rows per Wo Id. Do you want to count Wo Ids that have at least one row with task status = Success? or Wo Ids that have every row with task status = Success? or most rows = success? i.e., be clear what you are counting.Alex Blakemore
It could be trailing spaces. Can you try IF REPLACE([Task Status Cal]," ","") = "Success" THEN STR([Wo Id]) END?1.618

1 Answers


Do the next: countd(IF [Task Status Cal] = "Success" THEN [Wo Id] END) it should fix the problem :)