I am trying to code my EA where if my close conditions are met, I want my EA to close all the open trades ( there are potentially more than 1 open trades ).
Here is my code for the closing trade section and when I run it through the Strategy Tester, I noticed it doesn't close my trades.
Total=0; // Amount of orders
for(int i=1; i<=OrdersTotal(); i++) // Loop through orders
if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If there is the next one
{ // Analyzing orders:
if (OrderSymbol()!=Symb)continue; // Another security
Total++; // Counter of market orders
while(true) // Loop of closing orders
if (OrderType()==0 && Close_Buy_Condition==true) // Order Buy is opened & Close Buy Condition is true
for (c=Total-1; c>=0; c--)
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
Ans=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lot,Bid,Slippage); // Closing Buy
if (OrderType()==1 && Close_Sell_Condition==true) // Order Sell is opened & Close Sell Condition is true
for (d=Total-1; d>=0; d--)
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
Ans=OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lot,Ask,Slippage); // Closing Sell
break; // Exit while