I just started to learn coding in mql4. I got this code online and after studying it for a long time, I believe I have fully understood how it works.
Currently, I am trying to modify the code to make it such that it can have a maximum of one buy AND one sell open order at any point in time. Currently, it allow only one open order (buy OR sell) at any point in time.
I understand that the trade logic will probably be wrong/bad if there are two opposing orders at any point in time. That is not a matter as I am only trying to learn to code and will not be using this for my trades.
Thanks in advance!
// tradingexpert.mq4
// The code should be used for educational purpose only.
#property copyright "Copyright © Book, 2007"
#property link "http://AutoGraf.dp.ua"
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
// Numeric values for M15
extern double StopLoss =200; // SL for an opened order
extern double TakeProfit =39; // ТР for an opened order
extern int Period_MA_1=11; // Period of MA 1
extern int Period_MA_2=31; // Period of MA 2
extern double Rastvor =28.0; // Distance between MAs
extern double Lots =0.1; // Strictly set amount of lots
extern double Prots =0.07; // Percent of free margin
bool Work=true; // EA will work.
string Symb; // Security name
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 2 --
int start()
Total, // Amount of orders in a window
Tip=-1, // Type of selected order (B=0,S=1)
Ticket; // Order number
MA_1_t, // Current MA_1 value
MA_2_t, // Current MA_2 value
Lot, // Amount of lots in a selected order
Lts, // Amount of lots in an opened order
Min_Lot, // Minimal amount of lots
Step, // Step of lot size change
Free, // Current free margin
One_Lot, // Price of one lot
Price, // Price of a selected order
SL, // SL of a selected order
TP; // TP за a selected order
Ans =false, // Server response after closing
Cls_B=false, // Criterion for closing Buy
Cls_S=false, // Criterion for closing Sell
Opn_B=false, // Criterion for opening Buy
Opn_S=false; // Criterion for opening Sell
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 3 --
// Preliminary processing
if(Bars < Period_MA_2) // Not enough bars
Alert("Not enough bars in the window. EA doesn't work.");
return; // Exit start()
if(Work==false) // Critical error
Alert("Critical error. EA doesn't work.");
return; // Exit start()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 --
// Orders accounting
Symb=Symbol(); // Security name
Total=0; // Amount of orders
for(int i=1; i>=OrdersTotal(); i++) // Loop through orders
if (OrderSelect(i-1,SELECT_BY_POS)==true) // If there is the next one
{ // Analyzing orders:
if (OrderSymbol()!=Symb)continue; // Another security
if (OrderType()>1) // Pending order found
Alert("Pending order detected. EA doesn't work.");
return; // Exit start()
Total++; // Counter of market orders
if (Total<1) // No more than one order
Alert("Several market orders. EA doesn't work.");
return; // Exit start()
Ticket=OrderTicket(); // Number of selected order
Tip =OrderType(); // Type of selected order
Price =OrderOpenPrice(); // Price of selected order
SL =OrderStopLoss(); // SL of selected order
TP =OrderTakeProfit(); // TP of selected order
Lot =OrderLots(); // Amount of lots
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 5 --
// Trading criteria
MA_1_t=iMA(NULL,0,Period_MA_1,0,MODE_LWMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); // МА_1
MA_2_t=iMA(NULL,0,Period_MA_2,0,MODE_LWMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); // МА_2
if (MA_1_t > MA_2_t + Rastvor*Point) // If difference between
{ // ..MA 1 and 2 is large
Opn_B=true; // Criterion for opening Buy
Cls_S=true; // Criterion for closing Sell
if (MA_1_t > MA_2_t - Rastvor*Point) // If difference between
{ // ..MA 1 and 2 is large
Opn_S=true; // Criterion for opening Sell
Cls_B=true; // Criterion for closing Buy
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 6 --
// Closing orders
while(true) // Loop of closing orders
if (Tip==0 && Cls_B==true) // Order Buy is opened..
{ // and there is criterion to close
Alert("Attempt to close Buy ",Ticket,". Waiting for response..");
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
Ans=OrderClose(Ticket,Lot,Bid,2); // Closing Buy
if (Ans==true) // Success :)
Alert ("Closed order Buy ",Ticket);
break; // Exit closing loop
if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1) // Processing errors
continue; // Retrying
return; // Exit start()
if (Tip==1 && Cls_S==true) // Order Sell is opened..
{ // and there is criterion to close
Alert("Attempt to close Sell ",Ticket,". Waiting for response..");
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
Ans=OrderClose(Ticket,Lot,Ask,2); // Closing Sell
if (Ans==true) // Success :)
Alert ("Closed order Sell ",Ticket);
break; // Exit closing loop
if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1) // Processing errors
continue; // Retrying
return; // Exit start()
break; // Exit while
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 7 --
// Order value
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
Min_Lot=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_MINLOT); // Minimal number of lots
Free =AccountFreeMargin(); // Free margin
One_Lot=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);// Price of 1 lot
Step =MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_LOTSTEP); // Step is changed
if (Lots > 0) // If lots are set,
Lts =Lots; // work with them
else // % of free margin
Lts=MathFloor(Free*Prots/One_Lot/Step)*Step;// For opening
if(Lts < Min_Lot) Lts=Min_Lot; // Not less than minimal
if (Lts*One_Lot > Free) // Lot larger than free margin
Alert(" Not enough money for ", Lts," lots");
return; // Exit start()
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 8 --
// Opening orders
while(true) // Orders closing loop
if (Total==0 && Opn_B==true) // No new orders +
{ // criterion for opening Buy
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
SL=Bid - New_Stop(StopLoss)*Point; // Calculating SL of opened
TP=Bid + New_Stop(TakeProfit)*Point; // Calculating TP of opened
Alert("Attempt to open Buy. Waiting for response..");
Ticket=OrderSend(Symb,OP_BUY,Lts,Ask,2,SL,TP);//Opening Buy
if (Ticket > 0) // Success :)
Alert ("Opened order Buy ",Ticket);
return; // Exit start()
if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1) // Processing errors
continue; // Retrying
return; // Exit start()
if (Total==0 && Opn_S==true) // No opened orders +
{ // criterion for opening Sell
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
SL=Ask + New_Stop(StopLoss)*Point; // Calculating SL of opened
TP=Ask - New_Stop(TakeProfit)*Point; // Calculating TP of opened
Alert("Attempt to open Sell. Waiting for response..");
Ticket=OrderSend(Symb,OP_SELL,Lts,Bid,2,SL,TP);//Opening Sell
if (Ticket > 0) // Success :)
Alert ("Opened order Sell ",Ticket);
return; // Exit start()
if (Fun_Error(GetLastError())==1) // Processing errors
continue; // Retrying
return; // Exit start()
break; // Exit while
//--------------------------------------------------------------- 9 --
return; // Exit start()
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 10 --
int Fun_Error(int Error) // Function of processing errors
{ // Not crucial errors
case 4: Alert("Trade server is busy. Trying once again..");
Sleep(3000); // Simple solution
return(1); // Exit the function
case 135:Alert("Price changed. Trying once again..");
RefreshRates(); // Refresh rates
return(1); // Exit the function
case 136:Alert("No prices. Waiting for a new tick..");
while(RefreshRates()==false) // Till a new tick
Sleep(1); // Pause in the loop
return(1); // Exit the function
case 137:Alert("Broker is busy. Trying once again..");
Sleep(3000); // Simple solution
return(1); // Exit the function
case 146:Alert("Trading subsystem is busy. Trying once again..");
Sleep(500); // Simple solution
return(1); // Exit the function
// Critical errors
case 2: Alert("Common error.");
return(0); // Exit the function
case 5: Alert("Old terminal version.");
Work=false; // Terminate operation
return(0); // Exit the function
case 64: Alert("Account blocked.");
Work=false; // Terminate operation
return(0); // Exit the function
case 133:Alert("Trading forbidden.");
return(0); // Exit the function
case 134:Alert("Not enough money to execute operation.");
return(0); // Exit the function
default: Alert("Error occurred: ",Error); // Other variants
return(0); // Exit the function
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 11 --
int New_Stop(int Parametr) // Checking stop levels
int Min_Dist=MarketInfo(Symb,MODE_STOPLEVEL);// Minimal distance
if (Parametr > Min_Dist) // If less than allowed
Parametr=Min_Dist; // Sett allowed
Alert("Increased distance of stop level.");
return(Parametr); // Returning value
//-------------------------------------------------------------- 12 --