Trying to get my select menus change event to fire correctly with the correct value. It seems to be firing but the value is not changing.
I have this select menu in my component:
<select id="seasonDropDown" style="width:200px;height: 36px;" aria-label="Select a Season" (change)="changeSeason($">
<option *ngFor="let item of seasons" [value]="" [selected]=" === seasonId">Season {{}}</option>
I have this change event:
public changeSeason(seasonId: number) {
this.test = 'blah'; //for testing sake
console.log('change season ' + seasonId)
this.seasonId = seasonId;
I have tried testing it like the code below but commponent.seasonId never changes from its default value. It should get changed in changeSeason method. I know the method is firing because when I test expect(component.test).toEqual('blah') it will pass:
it('should emit new season on change event', fakeAsync(() => {
let select = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#seasonDropDown')).nativeElement;
select.value = 2;
select.selectedValue = 2;
select.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
//expect(component.test).toEqual('blah'); this will pass so I know the
//changeSeason event is actually getting called