
I have tried k-NN classification using the toy data and got the predictions as below:

actual <- c(rep('A1',12), rep('A2',12), rep('A3',7), rep('A4',12), rep('B1',11), rep('B2',17), rep('C1',15))
prediction <- c('A1','A1','A1','A1','A1','A3','A4','A4','B1','B2','C1','C1',

Basic idea about the predictions can be achieved using the table() as:

table(actual, prediction)
#       prediction
# actual A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1
#     A1  5  0  1  2  1  1  2
#     A2  0  5  1  3  2  0  1
#     A3  1  1  4  0  0  1  0
#     A4  2  3  0  6  1  0  0
#     B1  1  2  0  1  3  4  0
#     B2  1  0  1  0  4  9  2
#     C1  2  1  0  0  0  2 10

There is a much informative function caret::confusionMatrix().

caret::confusionMatrix(prediction, actual)
# Confusion Matrix and Statistics
# Reference
# Prediction A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 C1
# A1  5  0  1  2  1  1  2
# A2  0  5  1  3  2  0  1
# A3  1  1  4  0  0  1  0
# A4  2  3  0  6  1  0  0
# B1  1  2  0  1  3  4  0
# B2  1  0  1  0  4  9  2
# C1  2  1  0  0  0  2 10
# Overall Statistics
# Accuracy : 0.4884         
# 95% CI : (0.379, 0.5986)
# No Information Rate : 0.1977         
# P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.437e-09      
# Kappa : 0.3975         
# Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA             
# Statistics by Class:
#                      Class: A1 Class: A2 Class: A3 Class: A4 Class: B1 Class: B2 Class: C1
# Sensitivity            0.41667   0.41667   0.57143   0.50000   0.27273    0.5294    0.6667
# Specificity            0.90541   0.90541   0.96203   0.91892   0.89333    0.8841    0.9296
# Pos Pred Value         0.41667   0.41667   0.57143   0.50000   0.27273    0.5294    0.6667
# Neg Pred Value         0.90541   0.90541   0.96203   0.91892   0.89333    0.8841    0.9296
# Prevalence             0.13953   0.13953   0.08140   0.13953   0.12791    0.1977    0.1744
# Detection Rate         0.05814   0.05814   0.04651   0.06977   0.03488    0.1047    0.1163
# Detection Prevalence   0.13953   0.13953   0.08140   0.13953   0.12791    0.1977    0.1744
# Balanced Accuracy      0.66104   0.66104   0.76673   0.70946   0.58303    0.7067    0.7981

I have observed that there are many subclasses belong to another class. For example, A1, A2, A3, A4 belong to class A. Similarly B1, B2 belong to class B. I would like to calculate the statistics after treating all the subclasses within a class as equal. Is there any function available to generate similar statistics as above for within class and out-class errors?

Note: Please do not propose solutions which contain removing the numbers from the subclasses, as the real application is not similar to this. For simplicity purpose, I have given this example.

Is it possible to take get the solution if the class and subclass relations are given?


1 Answers


How about defining the classes manually by removing the subclass suffix:

    actual <- c(rep('A1',12), rep('A2',12), rep('A3',7), rep('A4',12), rep('B1',11), rep('B2',17), rep('C1',15))
    prediction <- c('A1','A1','A1','A1','A1','A3','A4','A4','B1','B2','C1','C1',
    actual = gsub("\\d", "", actual)
    prediction = gsub("\\d", "", prediction)
    caret::confusionMatrix(prediction, actual)

Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  A  B  C
         A 34  6  3
         B  6 20  2
         C  3  2 10

Overall Statistics

               Accuracy : 0.7442          
                 95% CI : (0.6387, 0.8322)
    No Information Rate : 0.5             
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 3.272e-06       

                  Kappa : 0.5831          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1               

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: A Class: B Class: C
Sensitivity            0.7907   0.7143   0.6667
Specificity            0.7907   0.8621   0.9296
Pos Pred Value         0.7907   0.7143   0.6667
Neg Pred Value         0.7907   0.8621   0.9296
Prevalence             0.5000   0.3256   0.1744
Detection Rate         0.3953   0.2326   0.1163
Detection Prevalence   0.5000   0.3256   0.1744
Balanced Accuracy      0.7907   0.7882   0.7981