
I get this error when uploading to AppStore:

iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px Marketing Icon in PNG format. Apps that do not include the Marketing Icon cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review.

Oh Images.xassets -> Appicon (dumb Xcode) is where you find itpeardox

5 Answers


Based on the other answers here, I believe the complete answer is:

If you did cordova platform update ios it will bring you the latest stable version, 4.4.0 as of today, which don't know to add the entry for the app-store icon.

So, what you need to do is:

cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add [email protected]

and add the above mentioned line into config.xml with a slight modification - use a JPEG to avoid "The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'appname.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel":

<icon height="1024" width="1024" src="icons/ios/icon-1024.jpg" />

As soon as the stable version will become higher than 4.5.1, do not force that 'old' version!

To verify your iOS platform version, look for this line in config.xml:

<engine name="ios" spec="~4.5.1" />

Important! from 4.5.0 and on, the plugin 'cordova-plugin-console' is not supported and not required. You must remove it in order to build successfully:

cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console

Update to latest cordova-ios version: 4.5.1 and register Marketing icon in config.xml

<icon height="1024" width="1024" src="icons/ios/icon-1024.png" />

Ref: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/pull/337


For me I did like this.

First, change the icon size to 1024x1024, In yourProject/resources/icon.png.

Then, running this in your terminal.

ionic cordova plugin save
ionic cordova platform rm ios
ionic cordova platform add ios

Finally, IOS platform build successful and auto modifying config.xml successful.

You will see <icon height="1024" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-1024.png" width="1024" /> in your config.xml. Then try upload your project to AppStore again.


Open Xcode => Drag your appstore icon into Resources/Images.xcassets/Appicon => Remove any transparency from you image => Use only letters for the name. e.g: appstore.png



You may need add assets.car file witch is required by ios 11 and you can create it with xcode or online tool http://www.applicationloader.net/appuploader/icontool.php

put assets.car file as asset file or image file .