I'd like to define common token constants in a single central Antlr file. This way I can define several different lexers and parsers and mix and match them at runtime. If they all share a common set of token definitions, then they'll work fine.
In other words, I want to see public static final int WORD = 2;
in each lexer, so they all agree that a "2" is a WORD.
I created a file named CommonTokenDefs.g4 and added a section like this:
tokens {
and included
options { tokenVocab = CommonTokenDefs; }
in each of my other .g4 files. It doesn't work. A .g4 file that includes the tokenVocab will assign a different constant int if it defines a token type, and worse, in its .tokens file it will include duplicate constants!
Doing an import CommonTokenDefs;
doesn't work either, because if I define a token type in the lexer, and it's already in CommonTokenDefs then I get a "token name FOO is already defined" error.
How do I create a common vocabulary across lexers and parsers?