
I am stuck with a pretty simple grammar. Googling and books reading did not help. I started to use ANTLR quite recently, so probably this is a very simple question.

I am trying to write a very simple Lexer using ANTLR v3.

grammar TestLexer;

options {
  language = Java;

    :   '/*' WS? TEST WS? '*/'

    :   '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : .)* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}

TEST    :   'TEST'

WS  :   (' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' | '\f')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;}

The test class:

public class TestParserInvoker {
    private static void extractCommandsTokens(final String script) throws RecognitionException {

        final ANTLRStringStream input = new ANTLRStringStream(script);
        final Lexer lexer = new TestLexer(input);

        final TokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        Token t;
        do {
            t = lexer.nextToken();
            if (t != null) {
        } while (t == null || t.getType() != Token.EOF);

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws RecognitionException {
        final String script = "/* TEST */";

So when test string is "/* TEST */" the lexer produces as expected two tokens. One with type TEST_COMMENT and one with EOF. Everything is OK.

But if test string contains one extra space in the end: "/* TEST */ " lexer produces three tokens: ML_COMMENT, WS and EOF.

Why does first token get ML_COMMENT type? I thought the way how token detected depends only on precedence of lexer rules in grammar. And of course it should not depend on following tokens.

Thanks for help!

P.S. I can use lexer option filter=true - token will get the correct type, but this approach requires extra work in tokens definitions. To be honest, I do not want to use this type of lexer.

+1 It took me a second to parse through that but that seems "odd".Andrew White
What for do you put WS? another rule? With being in a hidden channel or skipped, it does would never occur in another rule.kay
@Kay I specified token TEST_COMMENT which can contain arbitrary number of whitespaces (WS). I do not need WS token by itself during the parsing stage.Anton
@Kay, WS only gets put on the HIDDEN channel if it's a token of its own. When part of another rule, the white space chars it matches are on the channel of that particular token.Bart Kiers
and @Bart: My fault, thanks for clearing that up. :)kay

1 Answers


ANTLR tokenizes the character stream starting from the top rule downwards and tries to match as much as possible. So, yes, I would also have expected a TEST_COMMENT to be created for both "/* TEST */" and "/* TEST */ ". You can always have a look at the generated source code of the lexer to see why it chooses to create a ML_COMMENT for the second input.

Whether this is a bug, or expected behavior, I would not use separate lexer rules that look so much a-like. Could you explain what you're really trying to solve here?

user776872 wrote:

I can use lexer option filter=true - token will get the correct type, but this approach requires extra work in tokens definitions. To be honest, I do not want to use this type of lexer.

I don't quite understand this remark. Are you only interested in a part of the input source? In that case, filter=true is surely a good option. If you want to tokenize all input source, then you shouldn't use filter=true.


In case of making a distinction between multi line comments and Javadoc comments, it's best to keep these in the same rule and change the type of the token if it starts with /** like this:

grammar T;

// options

tokens {

// rules

  :  '/*' (~'*' .*)? '*/'
  |  '/**' ~'/' .* '*/' {$type=DOC_COMMENT;}

Note that both .* and .+ are by default non-greedy in ANTLR (contrary to popular belief).


grammar T;

tokens {

@parser::members {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRStringStream("/**/ /*foo*/ /**bar*/"));
    TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));

  :  (t=. {System.out.println(tokenNames[$t.type] + " :: " + $t.text);})* EOF

  :  '/*' (~'*' .*)? '*/'
  |  '/**' ~'/' .* '*/' {$type=DOC_COMMENT;}

  :  ' ' {$channel=HIDDEN;}

which produces:

bart@hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp antlr-3.3.jar org.antlr.Tool T.g
bart@hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ javac -cp antlr-3.3.jar *.java
bart@hades:~/Programming/ANTLR/Demos/T$ java -cp .:antlr-3.3.jar TParser 
COMMENT :: /**/
COMMENT :: /*foo*/
DOC_COMMENT :: /**bar*/