
In Angular 2, I have a child component that includes an input. I want to add this input (control) to the parent components form (NgForm).

I am currently using Template Driven Forms for simplicity.

I saw this answer, but think it is likely outdated?: Angular 2 Add control to parent component's form

Child Component Template: formInputName is an input binding so that I can reuse this component, and add the 'name' property dynamically.

<input class="text-input" [name]="formInputName" [id]="formInputName" type="text" [(ngModel)]="searchValue"

On the parent component I have an instance of the form:

    @ViewChild('testForm') testForm: NgForm;

How can I add the child components control to this instance of NgForm? I'm not sure how to do it with addControl. Not sure what I need to add in the template, or how to do it programmatically in the controller.

Plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/rDluyJduyHF7vclK9wRE?p=preview

can you create a plunker?Max Koretskyi
you need to implement ControlValueAccessor for test-component component. See Never again be confused when implementing ControlValueAccessor in Angular forms. You can edit your question to add some clarifications after you've read the articleMax Koretskyi

1 Answers


Could you try this, and see if it is working,

Child component

@Output() childControl = new EventEmitter<NgModel>(); // import { NgModel } from '@angular/forms';
@ViewChild('myControl') myControl: NgModel;

ngAfterViewInit() {
 this.childControl.emit(myControl); // emitting the control to the parent to be picked up there and added to the main form

Child template

<input #myControl="ngModel" class="text-input" [name]="formInputName" [id]="formInputName" type="text" [(ngModel)]="searchValue"

Parent template

<child-component (childControl)="childControlReady($event)"></child-component>

Parent component

childControlReady(control: NgModel) {