
I know how to make a header->detail relationship using the One2many relationship. It is pretty simple, but in the real world we need to have more complicated things than that.

In my case I have these tables.

Student      Homework      Paper       Test
id           id            id          id
name         subject       title       score

The Student table has

  • one2many to Homework
  • one2many to Paper
  • one2many to Test

and also

  • Homework has many2one to Student
  • Paper has many2one to Student
  • Test has many2one to Student

Resulting in these relationships

Student      Homework      Paper       Test
id           id            id          id
name         subject       title       score
homework_ids student_id    student_id  student_id

I could make a form with Student model and input Homework, Paper, and Test from that form using the One2many widget.

But what if I wanted to have a form with Homework model where I choose a Student first and then input her Homework, but also from that form I'd like to see(or input) her other information such as Paper, and Test?

Using Many2many relation between Homework, Paper, and Test just to have the student's Paper, and Test accessible from Homework seems very weird to me. It also complicates the database structure, creating unnecessary Many2many relation.

Is there another way instead of using Many2many relation? I feel the database structure will be very ugly if I used that.

This is a huge concern to me as looking at Odoo as it is a heavily model dependent framework. You must start with the right model first!


1 Answers


when you have a many2one field you can create related field to show them in the current form.

Your case in homework model you can create a related field to one2many field of paper.

          paper_ids = fields.One2many(related='student_id.paper_ids', readonly = True)

i'm assuming that your field is named paper_ids when you create a related field just keep the same type always in this case one2many field and you can remove readonly if you want the user to be able to edit the field from that form. related field are like compute field are not stored in database if you want to store the in database you must set store = True.

Hope this helps you