
I am trying to make a module for Odoo and I don't know how to hide a field using python code This line doesn't work for me :

'form_id': fields.many2one('dev.test', 'candidat', select=False,invisible=True),

I want to hide it using python and not using xml because I didn't declare that many2one field in my xml it's just a simple field in my test relation, the field will be created inside the popup to create new "formation".

This is the definition of the field that make the relationship

    'test_form_ids': fields.one2many('dev.form', 'form_id','formations'),

test_form_ids one2many field capture

This is my formation class

class dev_form(osv.Model):
_description='rel between test & formations'

_columns = {
    'name': fields.many2one('dev.name', 'Formation'),
  'form_id': fields.many2one('dev.test', 'candidat', select=False,invisible=True),

highlighted the field I want to hide here the popup to create new formation capture

If you want to hide any field than it's simple to not write in .xml file as in your case. Following link will be help you. stackoverflow.com/questions/27553169/… stackoverflow.com/questions/26054744/…Bhavesh Odedra
I didn't understand your solution because I can't see any python code in it... I tried using atrrs in python it doesn't work too 'cand_lan_id': fields.many2one('dev.test', 'test', select=False,attrs="{'invisible':True}"'),' can you please explainkhaled bed
If you want to hide field by programmatic than we need to override method. In which condition you want to hide that field ?Bhavesh Odedra
I want to remove it from the users view without any conditions, it seems a bit silly but I can't find a better solution I just need that field to make the one2many relationship ,sorry, am I doing it the wrong way?khaled bed
there is no xml, it's a field inside a relationshipkhaled bed

1 Answers


You need to open your view .xml file where cand_lan_id you declared.

Now replace field

<field name="cand_lan_id"/>


<field name="cand_lan_id" invisible="1"/>

invisible="1" is attribute which will hide your field from the User.


Open .xml file in which test_form_ids field is declare.

Now replace field

<field name="test_form_ids"/>


<field name="test_form_ids">
    <form string="Form Name">
        <field name="name"/>
        <field name="form_id" invisible="1"/>
        <!-- List of field that User want to see in form view -->
    <tree string="Form Name" editable="bottom">
        <field name="name"/>
        <!-- List of field that User want to see as a columns -->