I am using RabbitMQ with Java and Spring Framework and I have a producer and a consumer, both of which will have multiple instances running, however each request coming to the producer would generate a message that would be handled by a consumer, and that consumer should be able to reply back to the same producer (the exact same one as it is holding the request) with the answer.
So the requirements are:
- A producer will receive an HTTP request, it will then generate a message and push it to the queue.
- The message contents can only be processed by one consumer at a time, no other consumer should process the same message.
- That message should wait to be acknowledged.
- Any consumer can handle the message, but when the consumer fails the message should return to the queue because we need to be able to recover from this.
- When done, the consumer should reply to the exact same producer as it is holding the request now.
- If the producer fails, that request should also fail, so the consumer should check if the producer is still alive before replying if it wasn't available then it should fail.
Request --> Producer1 --> queue --> consumer1
--> Producer1 waiting
--> consumer1 fails
--> message back to the queue
--> consumer2 fetches the message and continues where 1 left off
--> consumer2 finishes and acks the request message and sends the response
--> consumer2 finds that producer1 has failed so it needs to send a failure signal
Currently, all I could think about is: 1. Direct Reply Pattern: but the problem here is that the message has a no ack requirement, but I need to be able to recover from consumer failures 2. The RPC Model: which doesn't address the issue of the producer failure
Is there any other solutions to this?? Am I doing this wrong?