Right now I am trying to create a Discord bot command that ignores specific commands in specific channels. In order to de-ignore the channel the user must type in a command, then they receive a prompt telling them to type "Yes/No" and then respond Yes, No, or if they didn't type Yes/No then tell them to do so and then repeat. Here's my code:
if (msg.content === prefix + 'ignore') {
const guildMember = msg.member;
const author = msg.author.id;
if (guildMember.roles.has('309165526427369473')) {
if (ignoredChannels.has(msg.channel.id)) {
msg.reply('Would you like to stop ignoring this channel? (Yes/No)');
client.on('message', msg => {
/* if (author === msg.author.id) {
if (msg.content === 'Yes') {
msg.reply('Channel is now not ignored.');
else if (msg.content === 'No') {
msg.reply('Channel is still ignored.');
else {
msg.reply('You did not type in the correct arguments. Please type "Yes" or "No".');
} */
else {}
else {
ignoredChannels.set(msg.channel.id, msg.channel.name);
msg.reply('Channel is now ignored.');
else {
msg.reply('You do not have the permissions to do this.');
In the commented code, that is where each conditional statement is. I would basically like to put });
in each statement to end the client.on but of course, that would be improper syntax. Now I have already tried removing the all of the listeners using client.removeAllListeners
at the end of each condition but that will disable the other "message" listener I have placed elsewhere in the code that receives all of the other commands. I have also tried placing the removeLisener but that requires the specific listener function and the "msg" listener is built-in to discord.js. I also can't use client.once
because it has multiple listener functions within each condition. Why I need to end the client.on is to stop the bot from responding to the required inputs from the user multiple times (needs just once), never ending the emitter.