
Please have look on below code.

 $serviceNew = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
            ->where("service_id", '1')->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)->whereMonth('service_date', $month)->whereYear('service_date', $year)
            ->whereHas('account', function($qs) {
                $qs->orderBy('restaurant_name', 'DESC');

I have multiple records in "CompletedService" and there is one parent id account_id which in account table. and i made with on account.

Already ASC and DESC tried.

Try to order by in whereHas but it's not affect on any records. Below is model relationship.

 public function account() {
    return $this->hasOne('App\Account', 'id', 'account_id');

i don't need to orderby in model because i used this relation in multiple time and need only order by in this single query.

And one completed service records relations have only one account. So basically i need to sort completed service records on the account field.

Output enter image description here



|id| account_id|service_id|service_provider_id|gallons_collected|service_date
|1 | 2         | 1        | 9                 | 50              | 2017-08-29


| id | restaurant_name|

Every help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.!


3 Answers


You need to use alternate solution for this. First you need to fetch your data/collection and then need to apply order by.

Laravel provides some functions, using that you can sort your collection.


Use sortByDesc (for descending). So here is your code :

$serviceNew = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
            ->where("service_id", '1')->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)->whereMonth('service_date', $month)->whereYear('service_date', $year)

orderBy() has no effect in a whereHas() query; you need to move the orderBy() logic to a with() statement:

$serviceNew = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
  ->where("service_id", '1')
  ->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)
  ->whereMonth('service_date', $month)
  ->whereYear('service_date', $year)
  ->with(['account' => function($qs){
    $qs->orderBy('restaurant_name', 'DESC');

Edit: The above is sorting each CompletedService's Account record by restaurant_name, which doesn't accomplish anything. To sort all CompletedService models by their Account's restaurant_name column, you'll need a join() clause:

$newService = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
->where('service_id', '1')
->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)
->whereMonth('service_date', $month)
->whereYear('service_date', $year)
->join('accounts', 'accounts.id', '=', 'completed_services.account_id')

You shouldn't need the with() clause anymore, but using the has() ensures you don't get null values if there's no relationship.


whereHas() used to limit your results based on the existence of a relationship.

See : https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-relationships#querying-relationship-existence

Use the below code to add consraint in relationship :

$serviceNew = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
        ->where("service_id", '1')->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)->whereMonth('service_date', $month)->whereYear('service_date', $year)
        ->with(['account' => function($qs) {
            $qs->orderBy('restaurant_name', 'DESC'); 

See : https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-relationships#constraining-eager-loads