Please have look on below code.
$serviceNew = CompletedService::selectRaw('gallons_collected as total,account_id,id,service_provider_id,service_id,service_date')
->where("service_id", '1')->where('service_provider_id', $service_privider_id)->whereMonth('service_date', $month)->whereYear('service_date', $year)
->whereHas('account', function($qs) {
$qs->orderBy('restaurant_name', 'DESC');
I have multiple records in "CompletedService" and there is one parent id account_id which in account table. and i made with on account.
Already ASC and DESC tried.
Try to order by in whereHas but it's not affect on any records. Below is model relationship.
public function account() {
return $this->hasOne('App\Account', 'id', 'account_id');
i don't need to orderby in model because i used this relation in multiple time and need only order by in this single query.
And one completed service records relations have only one account. So basically i need to sort completed service records on the account field.
|id| account_id|service_id|service_provider_id|gallons_collected|service_date
|1 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 50 | 2017-08-29
| id | restaurant_name|
Every help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.!