There are (at least) two ways to do it, both of which may require tracking additional information in order to check the property.
Enforcing properties in the data
Enforcing all elements < k
I cannot constrain the values to be strictly less than k
. Accepting Vect
s of Fin (S k)
instead of Vect
s of Nat
would rule out some valid values...
You are right that simply changing the definition of MyVect
to have Vect n (Fin (S k))
in it would not be correct.
However, it is not too hard to fix this by generalizing MyVect
to be polymorphic, as follows.
data MyVec: (A : Type) -> {k: Nat} -> Vect k Nat -> Type where
Nil: {A : Type} -> MyVec A []
(::): {A : Type} -> {k, n: Nat} -> {v: Vect k Nat} -> Vect n A -> MyVec A v -> MyVec A (n :: v)
val : MyVec (Fin 3) [3,2,3]
val = [[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]]
The key to this solution is separating the type of the vector from k
in the definition of MyVec
, and then, at top level, using the "global value of k
to constrain the type of vector elements.
Enforcing vector at position i
does not contain i
I cannot enforce that the vector at position i cannot contain the number i because the final position of a vector in the container is not known to the constructor.
Again, the solution is to generalize the data
definition to keep track of the necessary information. In this case, we'd like to keep track of what the current position in the final value will be. I call this index
. I then generalize A
to be passed the current index. Finally, at top level, I pass in a predicate enforcing that the value does not equal the index.
data MyVec': (A : Nat -> Type) -> (index : Nat) -> {k: Nat} -> Vect k Nat -> Type where
Nil: {A : Nat -> Type} -> {index : Nat} -> MyVec' A index []
(::): {A : Nat -> Type} -> {k, n, index: Nat} -> {v: Vect k Nat} ->
Vect n (A index) -> MyVec' A (S index) v -> MyVec' A index (n :: v)
val : MyVec' (\n => (m : Nat ** (n == m = False))) 0 [3,2,3]
val = [[(2 ** Refl),(1 ** Refl),(2 ** Refl)], [(0 ** Refl),(2 ** Refl)], [(1 ** Refl),(1 ** Refl),(0 ** Refl)]]
Enforcing properties after the fact
Another, sometimes simpler way to do it, is to not enforce the property immediately in the data
definition, but to write a predicate after the fact.
Enforcing all elements < k
For example, we can write a predicate that checks whether all elements of all vectors are < k
, and then assert that our value has this property.
wf : (final_length : Nat) -> {k : Nat} -> {v : Vect k Nat} -> MyVec v -> Bool
wf final_length [] = True
wf final_length (v :: mv) = isNothing (find (\x => x >= final_length) v) && wf final_length mv
val : (mv : MyVec [3,2,3] ** wf 3 mv = True)
val = ([[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]] ** Refl)
Enforcing vector at position i
does not contain i
Again, we can express the property by checking it, and then asserting that the value has the property.
wf : (index : Nat) -> {k : Nat} -> {v : Vect k Nat} -> MyVec v -> Bool
wf index [] = True
wf index (v :: mv) = isNothing (find (\x => x == index) v) && wf (S index) mv
val : (mv : MyVec [3,2,3] ** wf 0 mv = True)
val = ([[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]] ** Refl)