I am trying to run something on a very large dataset. Basically, I want to loop through all files in a folder and run the function fromJSON on it. However, I want it to skip over files that produce an error. I have built a function using tryCatch however, that only works when i use the function lappy and not parLapply.
Here is my code for my exception handling function:
readJson <- function (file) {
dat <- tryCatch(
fromJSON(file, flatten=TRUE)
error = function(cond) {
warning = function(cond) {
and then I call parLapply on a character vector files which contains the full paths to the JSON files:
dat<- parLapply(cl,files,readJson)
that produces an error when it reaches a file that doesn't end properly and does not create the list 'dat' by skipping over the problematic file. Which is what the readJson function was supposed to mitigate.
When I use regular lapply, however it works perfectly fine. It generates the errors, however, it still creates the list by skipping over the erroneous file.
any ideas on how I could use exception handling with parLappy parallel such that it will skip over the problematic files and generate the list?