If you are like me and you are hesitant to modify the registry, there is a way to do this using AutoHotKey code.
This is a method I use to edit the script with a different editor. Although I am using Visual Studio Code, the method is the same no matter which editor you want to use. One caveat though: we can't change the existing "Edit This Script" menu item, since that is considered one of the standard menu items and can't be modified. Instead I am adding a new menu item at the top of the menu that says "Edit With Notepad++".
Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
; Remove the standard menu items temporarily
Menu, Tray, NoStandard
; Add our custom menu item labeled "Edit With Notepad++"
; and calls the function above
Menu, Tray, Add, Edit With Notepad++, EditWithNotepadPlusPlus
; Add a separator
Menu, Tray, Add
; Put the standard menu items back, under our custom menu item
Menu, Tray, Standard
Note: If you're wondering, the lines Menu, Tray, NoStandard
and Menu, Tray, Standard
are not required. The reason I use those lines is because by default, Menu, MenuName, Add
adds menu items to the bottom of the menu. For aesthetic and practical reasons, I prefer Exit to be the last menu item. So Menu, Tray, NoStandard
and Menu, Tray, Standard
will cause our menu item to appear at the top.
One added benefit of this method is that if you transfer your scripts to a new computer, it should still work (provided you have Notepad++ installed on the other computer). If you edit the registry, you have to remember to edit the registry again.