I'm looking for a way to generate a ctrl+A
(select all), and then ctrl+x
in a python script. I know how to generate this in a specific app (pywinauto and other modules do that). But I'm looking for a way to send these keys in any apps (in any field of the active windows). I want to launch the python script containing these keys anywhere (the script will be launch using a key shortcut. Details below (1))
EDIT: I'm NOT trying to copy/past in the command windows (cf. the 2 last sentences). My script send the keys in the command windows, but that's the problem I'm trying to solve...
Using python pywinauto (or Ctypes or other modules)
I tried several propositions listed here with the same result.
I thought pywinauto could do it. Following pywinauto latest documentation I tried that:
- open an (any) app containing a text field (that's the active windows)
- place the cursor where you want to make the select all + cut/past
run the script bellow using an shortcut (so you won't leave the active windows)
from pywinauto.keyboard import SendKeys
The code only print ^A^X
in the python console. It doesn't do what it's suppose to do in the field of the active window (where I placed my cursor): it doesn't select all
+ cut the text
Using autohotkey:
The only way I found to simulate a real crtl+A
is by using autohotkey (it works but it's not a python solution):
save the code bellow in my AHK script: select_copy.ahk
Send, ^a
Send, ^x
create another AHK script called shortcut.ahk where you will specify a shortcut to launch select_copy.ahk (shortcut.ahk sould run constantly in windows background (2))
!^+G:: Run select_copy.ahk , C:\Users\Me\Desktop
(meaning: when I hit ctrl+alt+shift+G
run the script select_copy.ahk
result: It works. when I call the ahk, it select/cut things in the active windows.
A combination of both did not work
I tried to launch the select_copy.ahk from within a python script (using subprocess.call) but I ended up with the same result than pywinauto (or Ctypes): it only prints ^A^X
in the consol, but doesnt select&cut. So I'm wondering if python could really do what autohotkey does.
(1) What the script will do: I will launch the script (using a shortcut key) on one or another html editor, it will cut all the text, parse its source code, make some change put back the datas in the clipbboard, and past it. I'm only missing the first part (select all + cut) and the last part (past).
(2) It's not the big deal since shortcut.ahk contains also all my other ahk shortcuts and scripts.
module. Example: github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/blob/master/examples/… – Vasily Ryabov