
I am having problems when creating a subscription in cygnus. I really think the error is from the contextBroker since it appears in the log - this is the information that it shows:

Time = 2017-08-07T10: 48: 09.360Z | Lvl = WARN | Corr = N / A | Trans = 1502101560-775-00000000006 | From = pending | Srv = pending | Subsrv = pending | Comp = Orion | Op = AlarmManager.cpp [328]: notificationError | Msg = Raising alarm NotificationError http: // localhost: 5050 / notify: (
Easy_perform failed: Could not connect to server)

I have open ports. My subscription status is failed.

How can I solve that?


The creation is as follows:

  "description": "A subscription to get info about Room1",
  "subject": {
    "entities": [
        "id": "Room1",
        "type": "Room"
    "condition": {
      "attrs": [
  "notification": {
    "http": {
      "url": "http://localhost:5050/notify"
    "attrs": [
    "attrsFormat": "legacy"

When I perform the subscription on fiwarelab in the orion machine already created if it works, but when I try on a machine centos 6 and performing the installation steps is when I get that error.

I have already solved the problem and it was setup.

The steps I followed with the following:

To install cygnus:

1st install java and maven as it puts on the web of fiware 2nd install with yum install cygnus 3º Install apache flume as it puts on the web of fiware 4th install mySQL 5th configure the agents

Everything works already.

Could you edit your question in order to explain how are you doing the step of "creating a subscription in Cygnus"? I mean, the exact request your are doing for that. Thx!fgalan
Buenas, @fgalan acabo de editar el postManolait
Just a guess: try change http://localhost:5050/notify to http://CYGNUS_IP:5050/notify . Note that the localhost will only work in this case if cygnus is installed in the Orion host/VM/container.Dalton Cézane
Hello, ContextBroker and Cygnus are installed on the same machine.Manolait
Good, I have already solved the problem and it was setup. The steps I followed with the following: To install cygnus: 1st install java and maven as it puts on the web of fiware 2nd install with yum install cygnus 3º Install apache flume as it puts on the web of fiware 4th install mySQL 5th configure the agents Everything works already.Manolait

1 Answers


I have already solved the problem and it was setup. The steps I followed with the following:

To install cygnus:

  1. install java and maven as it puts on the web of fiware
  2. install with yum install cygnus
  3. Install apache flume as it puts on the web of fiware
  4. install mySQL
  5. configure the agents Everything works already.

It should be noted that this is for the cygnus version of 0.13. I'm trying to make it work in version 1.7 in the next post

ContextBroker subscriptions Error