I'm having a problem with some entities to make the subscriptions. The subcriptions are well done (orion responds ok. Status 201) but the url subscribed never receive any update.
I have fiware-orion launched with docker over a Centos 7.
This is an example of the entity.
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingGroup:Cervantes",
"type": "ParkingGroup",
"allowedVehicleType": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "car",
"metadata": {}
"availableSpotNumber": {
"type": "Property",
"value": 59,
"metadata": {}
"category": {
"type": "Property",
"value": [
"metadata": {}
"chargeType": {
"type": "Property",
"value": [
"metadata": {}
"description": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "Calle CervantesMálaga",
"metadata": {}
"location": {
"type": "GeoProperty",
"value": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"metadata": {}
"name": {
"type": "Text",
"value": "Cervantes",
"metadata": {}
"occupancyDetectionType": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "none",
"metadata": {}
"permitActiveHours": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "",
"metadata": {}
"requiredPermit": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "noPermitNeeded",
"metadata": {}
"totalSpotNumber": {
"type": "Property",
"value": "414",
"metadata": {}
I try different ways of subscriptions that all of them are accepted by orion like this:
"description": "Notificar cambios en Aparcamientos",
"subject": {
"entities": [
"idPattern": ".*",
"condition": {
"attrs": [
"notification": {
"attrs" : ["availableSpotNumber"],
"http": {
"url": "https://webhook.site/925f3290-07af-4dc9-88d2-27bcba693be5"
When I update the data with this through postman in mode PUT:
and Body (text/plain) with value 2
The data is well ubdate when I make in postman in mode GET: http://{{orion}}/v2/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:ParkingGroup:Cervantes/attrs/availableSpotNumber
It returns:
"type": "Property",
"value": 2,
"metadata": {}
But url of the subscription never receives anything
what is wrong? How can I solve it? How could I debug Orion to understand why it doesn't update the subscriptors?
The idea is to subscribe later cygnus. I have read that I must add the attrsFormat for it in this way:
"notification": {
"http": {
"url": "https://webhook.site/925f3290-07af-4dc9-88d2-27bcba693be5"
"attrs" : ["availableSpotNumber"],
"attrsFormat": "legacy"
Thanks in advance