
I want to implement translation in Symfony2 using csvFileLoader. In config.yml translation field is enabled and locale set to fr. I have written following code in controller.

    $file = //file path eg: messages.fr.csv;
    $loader = new CsvFileLoader($file);
    $x = $loader->load($file, 'fr');
    $translator = new Translator('fr',new MessageSelector());
    $translator->addLoader('csv', $loader);
    $translator->addResource('csv', $file, 'fr','messages');
    $translator->trans('Symfony is great');

Above code works fine. If I use trans tag in twig then text is not translated. Even I add twig extentions:-

    $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem("path to twig template file");
    $twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader);
    $twig->addExtension(new TranslationExtension($translator));

And Code in witten in twig file

    {% trans %}Symfony2 is great{% endtrans %}

Above text is not translated in twig. I tried it using .xlf file then it works but for .csv file translation is not working. Need solution for above mentioned issue.


1 Answers


Controller :

 * @Route("{_locale}/translate1")
public function showTwoAction(Request $request) 
    $delimiter = ";";
    $enclosure = '"';
    $escape = '\\';
    $file = __DIR__.'/file_'.$request->getLocale().'.csv';      

    $translator = new Translator($request->getLocale(), new MessageSelector());
    $translator->addLoader('csv', new CsvFileLoader());
    $translator->addResource('csv', $file, $request->getLocale());
    $catalogue = $translator->getCatalogue($request->getLocale());
    $messages = $catalogue->all();

    while ($catalogue = $catalogue->getFallbackCatalogue()) 
        $messages = array_replace_recursive($catalogue->all(), $messages);

    return $this->render("PRIYACoreTranslateBundle:Default:translate.html.twig",$messages);

Twig :

{{ messages.Hi }}
{{ messages.Hello }}

Translation CSV Files

=> file_en.csv


=> file_fr.csv


Hope it helps.