
I have a content page with toolbar added as follows


public partial class ChartList : ContentPage
    public ChartList ()
        InitializeComponent ();

        //public class ToolbarItem : MenuItem
        ToolbarItem settings = new ToolbarItem
            Icon = "icon.png",
            Text = "Settings",
            Command = new Command(this.ShowHomePage),


    private void ShowHomePage()
        this.Navigation.PushAsync(new MainPage());


    public App()

        ContentPage p = new MyHomeScreen2.MainPage();
        MainPage = new NavigationPage(p)
            BarBackgroundColor = Color.Purple,
            BarTextColor = Color.White

I need to align the icon on the center of the toolbar. How to do it in Xamarin Forms?

enter image description here

I think you will need a custom renderer for this, check this out: stackoverflow.com/questions/36717697/…Paul Karam
@LIjo have you solved this issue?R15
@PaulKaram it is not required anymore if using Shell.Cfun
@Cfun I haven't been into Xamarin for a long time now, so you are most likely right. I am gonna hope back in soon, so that's nice information to have. Thank you.Paul Karam
@PaulKaram nice to have you back and have a bigger community using this amazing technology. Good to know it was helpful info.Cfun

1 Answers


I know at the time of the question Shell was probably not introduced yet, but now if your app is based on Shell you can achieve it easily without even a custom renderer, and also customize your toolbar using Shell.TitleView as Microsoft example:

<ContentPage ...>
        <Image Source="xamarin_logo.png"
               VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />

It will probably not be perfectly centered because of a bug in Xamarin.forms Title View's content horizontal aligment