
I want the ToolbarItem Menu1 on the left side, but at this moment both are on right side. How can I fix that?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="Dharma.LoginPage">
     <ToolbarItem Name="Menu1" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
     <ToolbarItem Name="Menu2" Order="Primary" Priority="1" />
     <StackLayout Padding="30">
       <Label Text="Login Page" FontSize="20" />
There is no way to do this directly in Xamarin.Forms you will need to do a CustomRender for thisUser1

3 Answers


This is not Feasible solution. I know but for now I have tried this. just add blank toolbaritems between menu1 and menu2 to create space between them.

So it will set at left and right accordingly

 <ToolbarItem Name="Menu1" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
 <ToolbarItem Name="" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
 <ToolbarItem Name="" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
 <ToolbarItem Name="" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
 <ToolbarItem Name="" Order="Primary" Priority="0" />
 <ToolbarItem Name="Menu2" Order="Primary" Priority="1" />


This isn't currently supported in Forms. To get around it, you could write a Custom Renderer that overrides the base Android toolbar renderer.


As others have mentioned, this can only be done using a custom renderer for your Page. Then you need to move all the menu item creation logic there since Xamarin's built in ToolbarItem will cause all sorts of issues with your custom logic. You can refer to this answer for more details on how to move your items to the left - it's kind of involved, so perhaps it's a better idea to just live with having them on the right.