
With Labels A, B, and Z, A and B have their own relationships to Z. With the query

MATCH (b:B { uuid: {id} })
MATCH (a)-[:rel1]->(z:Z)<-[:rel2]-(b)
WITH a, COLLECT(z) AS matched_z
RETURN DISTINCT a, matched_z

Which returns the nodes of A and all the Nodes Z that have a relationship to A and B

I'm stuck on trying to ALSO return a separate array of the Z Nodes that B has with Z but not with A (i.e. missing_z). I am attempting to do an initial query to return all the relationships between B & Z

results = MATCH (b:B { uuid: {id} })
MATCH (b)-[:rel2]->(z:Z)

MATCH (b:B { uuid: {id} })
MATCH (a)-[:rel1]->(z:Z)<-[:rel2]-(b)
WITH a, COLLECT(z) AS matched_z, z
RETURN DISTINCT a, matched_z, filter(skill IN z.array WHERE NOT z.uuid IN {results}) AS missing_z

The results seem to have nil for missing_z where one would assume it should be populated. Not sure if filter is the correct way to go with a WHERE NOT / IN scenario. Can the above 2 queries be combined into 1?


2 Answers


The hard part here, in my opinion, is that any failed matches will drop everything you have matched so far. But your starting point seems to be "All Z related by B.uuid", So start by collecting that and filtering/copying from there.

Use WITH + aggregation functions to copy+filter columns

Use OPTIONAL MATCH if a failure to match shouldn't drop already collected rows.

If I understand what you are trying to do well enough, This cypher should do the job, and just adjust it as needed (let me know if you need help understanding any part of it/adapting it)

// Match base set
MATCH (z:Z)<-[:rel2]-(b:B { uuid: {id} })
// Collect into single list
// Match all A (ignore relation to Zs) 
// For each a, return a, the sub-list of Zs related to a, and the sub-list of Zs not related to a
RETURN a as a, FILTER(n in zs WHERE (a)-[:rel1]->(n)) as matched, FILTER(n in zs WHERE NOT (a)-[:rel1]->(n)) as unmatched

This query might do what you want:

MATCH (z:Z)<-[:rel2]-(b:B { uuid: {id} })
WITH COLLECT(z) as all_zs
UNWIND all_zs AS z
MATCH (a)-[:rel1]->(z)
WITH all_zs, COLLECT(DISTINCT z) AS matched_zs
RETURN matched_zs, apoc.coll.subtract(all_zs, matched_zs) AS missing_zs;

It first stores in the all_zs variable all the Z nodes that have a rel2 relationship from b. This collection's contents remain unaffected even if the second MATCH clause matches a subset of those Z nodes.

It then stores in matched_zs the distinct all_zs nodes that have a rel1 relationship from any A node.

Finally, it returns:

  • the matched_zs collection, and
  • the unique nodes from all_zs that are not also in matched_zs, as missing_zs.

The query uses the convenient APOC function apoc.coll.subtract to generate the latter return value.