I figured out how to write this query when I am looking for 2 relationships, but not sure how to add more relationships to the query.
Assume you have a book club database with 'reader' and 'book' as nodes. The 'book' nodes have a 'genre' attribute (to define that the book is a Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography, Reference, etc.) There is a Relationship "HasRead" between 'reader' nodes and 'book' nodes where someone has read a particular book.
If I want to find readers that have read both Fiction AND Non-Fiction books, I could execute this Cypher query:
Start b1=node:MyBookIndex('Genre:Fiction'),
Match b1-[:HadRead]-r-[:HasRead]-b2
Return r.ReaderName
The key to the above query is the Match clause that has the two book aliases feeding into the r
alias for the 'reader' nodes.
Question: How would I write the query to find users that have read Fiction AND Non-Fiction AND Reference books? I'm stuck with how you would write the Match clause when you have more than 2 things you are looking for.