I'm developing WinForms application using VS2010. I have about 15 projects in the solution. When I'm adding new one (with couple of references to existing projects) and trying to (Re)Build main executable project the VS does not build the newbie!
Any ideas?
Windows 7, 64bit, no VS addons installed, .Net 3.5, plain C#.
UPD: In the Build log I see it was built, but it was not copied to the $OutDir.
------ Build started: Project: NewbieProject, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
NewbieProject -> D:\Projects\MySolution\NewbieProject\bin\Debug\NewbieProjectr.dll
UPD2: If I reference newbie project from main executable project the copying happens. BUT! This applcation designed to use IoC container. This means no references between main and newbie should exist. How to deal with VS2010 output copying and IoC containers?
Correct Solution: Set every ptoject output to the same folder. For example: "../bin/Debug/"
window and there's no bin folder? – AJ.