I've created a sample MVC app using VS 2015 and used Azure AD Auth wizard. When I launch this web application, it asked me to register app with Azure AD (first time only) and then userid/password. I have entered Office 365/Azure AD account and successfully logged in. Everything is working perfectly fine and at the top right, I can see Hello "myname".
Now I tried to make REST call to Office 365 using RestSharp. It is giving me 403 error (access denied)
When I tried to use graph api url https://graph.windows.net/testname.com/groups?api-version=1.6
, I am getting error unauthorized access
Here is my test code with graph API call:
string url = "https://graph.windows.net/testname.com/groups?api-version=1.6";
var client = new RestClient(url);
var jsonDeserializer = new JsonDeserializer();
client.AddHandler("application/json", jsonDeserializer);
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
var queryResult = client.Execute(request);
I am using same code with O365 REST url for Office 365 call.
Why I am getting access denied in both cases if my app is already authenticated against Azure AD which is the base authentication. Also Request.IsAuthenticated
is always true.
Isn't a single identity provider (AAD) used for Azure, Office 365 and related resources?