
I'm currently moving from Outlook API to Microsoft Graph API and when I try to subscribe to push notifications for calendars and events as I did for Outlook and I get an error:

"error": {
"code": "InternalServerError",
"message": "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
"innerError": {
  "request-id": "130ef895-4741-472e-9155-73fcb38a487f",
  "date": "2017-07-14T11:40:11"

To authenticate I use end-point:


When I send a request to:


"id": null,
"resource": "users/me/events/calendars/{calendarId}/events",
"notificationUrl": "https://myapp:8080/MyService/notifications/",
"clientState": null,
"@odata.type": null,
"@odata.id": null,
"@odata.context": null,
"changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
"expirationDateTime": "2017-07-19T11:40:10Z"

I found several cases with the same error, but they were totally in a different area(not subscriptions). What can be wrong here? I tried to follow this question: "Resource not found for the segment" using Graph subscription beta , However, the solution doesn't work in my case.

Have you tried omitting all of the fields you are setting to null in the payload? So basically only send resource, notificationUrl, changeType, and expirationDateTime?Jason Johnston
Thanks! That helps with "resource": "me/calendars/{calendarId}/events", but when I try to subscribe to changes in calendars(calendar added/deleted/updated), still have the same problem and the same message. I tried resources: me/calendars and me/events. According to the doc it should work: developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/api-reference/v1.0/api/…dvelopp
Can you update your question with the problem request?Jason Johnston
The problem was that in the second request I had not deleted one of the null fields. Thanks for the answer. You might add it as an answer and I will accept it.dvelopp

2 Answers


Remove all of the fields in the payload that you set to null. Make your payload like this:

  "resource": "users/me/events/calendars/{calendarId}/events",
  "notificationUrl": "https://myapp:8080/MyService/notifications/",
  "changeType": "created,updated,deleted",
  "expirationDateTime": "2017-07-19T11:40:10Z"

From your HTTP response, can you give me the X-BEServer HTTP response header value along with the request id and date time for one of these null ref error responses? That way I can pull logs and see what is going on.