Firstly: a MultiIndex DataFrame is an iterable object. (Try bool(pd.DataFrame.__iter__
). There are several StackOverflow questions on iterating through the sub-frames of a MultiIndex DataFrame, if you have interest.
But to your question directly, here is a dict: the keys are the (end) dates, and each value is a 3x3 NumPy array.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Omega = (pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(125,3),
index=pd.date_range('1/1/2010', periods=125),
.dropna()) # this will get you to 66 windows instead of 125 with NaNs
dates = Omega.index.get_level_values(0) # or just the index of your base returns
d = dict(zip(dates, [Omega.loc[date].values for date in dates]))
Is this efficient? No, not very. You are creating a separate NumPy array for each value of the dict. Each NumPy array has its own dtype, etc. The DataFrame as it is now is arguably well-suited for your purpose. But one other solution is to create a single NumPy array by expanding the ndim
of Omega.values
Omega.values.reshape(66, 3, 3)
Here each element is a matrix (again, easily iterable, but loses the date indexing that you had in your DataFrame).
Omega.values.reshape(66, 3, 3)[-1] # last matrix/final date
array([[ 0.80865977, -0.06134767, 0.04522074],
[-0.06134767, 0.67492558, -0.12337773],
[ 0.04522074, -0.12337773, 0.72340524]])