
Is it possible to use the aql string handler in ArangoDB to perform a dynamic query? I've tried a number of different ways but it always errors out. For example, I'd like to do something like this:

let sortExpression = sortByDate ? 'SORT ${date}' : `SORT ${name}`

const result = db._query(aql`
    FOR doc IN tickets
    RETURN doc

This example is very simplified, but I have a more complex situation where something like this would be really handy. Is there a way to make something like this work?


2 Answers


If the query was more complex, and I had real variables to embed, I'd write this like the following:

let sortProp = sortByDate ? 'date' : 'name';

var query = aql`
    FOR doc IN tickets
       RETURN doc`;
query.query = query.query.replace('@SORT_PROP@', sortProp);
var result = db._query(query);

Maybe this works for your use case, too.


After looking more closely at how the aql string handler works, it turns out what I'm trying to do is just not feasible with it. So I decided to use the regular bind var syntax:

let sortExpression = 'SORT @sortField'

const result = db._query(`
    FOR doc IN @@coll
    RETURN doc
`, {
    '@coll': module.context.collectionName('tickets'),
    'sortField': sortByDate ? 'date' : 'name'

Again this is overkill for the simple example above, but my real world query is much more complex.